
We use a team approach in our work with children – the team being you, your child, and us. Together, we will work together to address their struggles. We consider our role on this team to be first as a “translator” between the child and their parent and then as a facilitator of change.

But why would you need a translator? You know your child better than anyone else.

You do know your child better than anyone else. Somewhere along the line, however, communication has broken down. Your child is not telling you what they need from you and they are not hearing you when you communicate what you want from them. Your family is stuck in a cycle of unmet needs. This is where we can help. Some circumstances we help children overcome are:

  • Rule-Breaking / Testing Limits
  • Outbursts of Anger
  • Depression
  • Excessive Worrying / Anxiety
  • School Problems
  • Not Responding to Consequences
  • Shutting Off From Loved Ones
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Self-Injury
  • Struggles With Body Image
  • Suicidal Thoughts / Behavior
  • Physical Abuse
  • Risky Behavior
  • Struggles With Identity

The first step of our work together will be for us to come to an understanding of what is happening in your child’s inner world – what thoughts, feelings and beliefs are causing their problematic behavior. In this stage of counseling, we will develop a safe, trusting relationship with your child where they will feel unconditionally accepted and able to express themselves fully in the therapy room. As a person on the outside of the family and a trained therapist, we will look at the situation from an objective point of view and “translate” your child’s behavior into a language that will make sense to you. From there, we will be able to help the healing process occur.

As play therapists, we communicate with young children through their natural language of play. While little ones can’t process their troubles verbally (as adults do in talk therapy), with the right guidance they can work through what is troubling them through their play. As kids get older and start to grow out of play, they still struggle to understand and communicate what is going on inside of them. With tweens and teenagers, we use expressive art techniques and activity therapy along with talk therapy to help bridge the gap between what can be said and understood and what is felt but not yet able to be said. Older teens may choose to do exclusively talk therapy.

Whatever your child is struggling with right now, we’d like to help your family get back on track. Call today to set up an appointment.

Erin T. White, LPC-S, RPT-S
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